🎄Open UI Advent Calendar: Day 9 / Customizable Select Element Ep.7




  1. はじめに
  2. <selectmenu>のその後:<selectlist>から<select>に至るまで
    1. Appendix


🎄 この記事はOpen UI Advent Calendarの9日目の記事です。

Customizable Select Element Ep.6では、<selectmenu>が改名され、<selectlist>に至るまでの経緯をお話ししました。






まずその口火を切ったのが、AppleでWHATWGのAnne van Kesterenでした。その後の会話からすると、以下の提案はAnneとJoey Arharを含むcolleaguesの間で話し合われ、それをAnneが代表してここにまとめていることがわかります。


Thank you for bringing this proposal to the WHATWG Joey! I thought this would be a good opportunity to outline how colleagues and I feel about extending HTML in this area. In particular, we feel that new and existing form controls:

  • Should look the same as the operating system controls by default.
  • Should be fully styleable by web developers.
  • Should generally attempt to follow existing HTML element patterns.
  • Should not be redundant with existing HTML form controls.
  • Should work on a wide variety of platforms, including those with very small screens, no mouse or touch, etc.
  • Should be fully accessible.
  • Should not have any l10n or i18n shortcomings.

We understand that the select element can’t address a variety of scenarios due to parser limitations, but the select element could address them in combination with the datalist element. One of our big worries with complete duplication is that we end up not solving the problems with the existing controls and that the duplicated controls will have a variety of shortcomings the older controls did not have. https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9799#issuecomment-1770254871



@mfreed7 pointed out that we'd need to deal with the fact that the custom attribute could be added/removed dynamically, which adds complexity. Parsing is particularly concerning here, since the attribute would change the parsing rules for the subtree of the <select>. Is there any scenario where a <select> could have script change it to custom when we're in the middle of parsing its subtree?


e.g. optionに任意の要素を正常に追加することができる
const combobox = document.createElement('select');
combobox.addAttribute('newbehavior','true'); // Opt in!
combobox.innerHTML = '<option><img src="cat.jpg">Cat</option><option><img src="dog.jpg">Dog</option>';
// Here, we have a fancy, new <select> with images of cats and dogs
// https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5791#issuecomment-671477100
e.g. タイミングの問題で、optionに任意の要素を追加することができない
const combobox = document.createElement('select');
combobox.innerHTML = '<option><img src="cat.jpg">Cat</option><option><img src="dog.jpg">Dog</option>';
combobox.addAttribute('newbehavior','true'); // Opt in, but a little late
// Boo! No images here, because we opted in after innerHTML, and the parser removed the <img> tags.
// https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5791#issuecomment-671477100



the select element can’t address a variety of scenarios due to parser limitations, but the select element could address them in combination with the datalist element. One of our big worries with complete duplication is that we end up not solving the problems with the existing controls and that the duplicated controls will have a variety of shortcomings the older controls did not have.

select要素はパーサーの制限によりさまざまなシナリオに対応できないが、datalist要素と組み合わせることで対応できる。 最大の問題は、既存のControl(つまり<select>)の問題はそのままになり、複製されたControl(つまり<selectlist>)には、<select>にはなかったさまざまな欠点が生じる可能性があることです。




  <button type="selectlist">
    <input type="search">
    <div tabindex="-1">
      <option value="Asian golden cat">Asian golden cat</option>
      <option value="Bay cat">Bay cat</option>
      <option value="Marbled cat">Marbled cat</option>


加えて、<selectlist>という別要素として実装した場合、既存の<select><datalist>の問題は解消されません。Progressive Enhancementの観点からも、<select>を採用を検討したいとのことでした。


  1. Reusing the <select> element will work: <select>はCSEの実現に利用できる
  2. We can change the parser for <select> to allow particular new child tags like <button> and <datalist>: <select>のパーサーを変更して(緩めて)、<button><datalist>などの新しい子要素を許可できる
  3. We can work incrementally, first by making these parser changes in the spec etc.: まずは仕様などでパーサーの変更を行い、段階的に進めることができる
  4. Using <datalist> as a child of <select> will work to replace the listbox with custom content: <select>の子要素として<datalist>を使用することで、listboxをカスタムコンテンツで置き換えることができる

このWHATWGでの議論の結果を以て、Open UIでも正式に<selectlist>/<listbox>から<select>/<datalist>を使用することに決定され、Open UIのselectlistのExplainer<select>に変更されました。

I updated the explainer to be <select> instead of <selectlist>: https://open-ui.org/components/selectlist/ https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9799#issuecomment-1885356884



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